Senior living trade association leader Argentum (formerly the Assisted Living Federation of America) launches its newly redesigned magazine, Senior Living Executive, at this week’s annual conference in Denver.
The association continues to revitalize its tools and resources during this “transformative time for the senior living industry.”
The May/June 2016 issue of Senior Living Executive boasts a cleaner look. The content focuses on the five main imperatives Argentum has identified through research and member consultations:
- Workforce development
- Quality improvement
- Operational excellence
- Consumer choice
- Memory care
Argentum anticipates a website relaunch to offer “the most up-to-date, comprehensive resource for those seeking the information most relevant to the senior living industry.” According to their press release, “social networks and other digital offerings will also feature the latest in senior living news and innovation, as well as a more dynamic and interactive experience for users.”
Source: BusinessWire. Argentum Unveils Senior Living Executive Prepares for Digital Revitalization