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Helping Seniors Make Sense of Medicare Options

Medicare Advantage, or Medigap? What are the windows of enrollment? For many Americans turning or about to turn 65, Medicare remains a mystery. Even those who have been on Medicare for years may not realize they can continue to re-evaluate their options.

Thursday’s U.S. News & World Report article explains the basics of plans and cost levels, weighing the benefits of choosing traditional Medicare and filling in necessary coverage with a Medigap plan vs. going with the potentially more expensive Medicare Advantage.

The article outlines the four parts to Medicare, and 10 Medigap policy options, as well as the array of Medicare Advantage plans, citing expert advice and additional helpful resources. It’s extra important to pay close attention to enrollment periods and long-term implications of choosing various plans or combinations of coverage. The article also encourages enrollees to seek help from resources like and the AARP.

Source: U.S. News & World Report. The Basics of Medicare: Choosing the Right Plan for You